Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Well deserved update

So it's been awhile since I've posted pictures, I've got plenty. The only things I'm missing are Christmas pictures of him in his Santa outfit. The reason why I haven't updated recently is because I've been having problems uploading from photobucket. Nothing seems to want to upload.

PICT0072.jpg image by Zombie-Pie
PICT0067.jpg image by Zombie-Pie
HPIM1006.jpg image by Zombie-Pie
PICT0206.jpg image by Zombie-Pie
PICT0197.jpg image by Zombie-Pie
PICT0204.jpg image by Zombie-Pie

He was a bumble-bee for Halloween.
So I hope this works.

In other news my rat passed away on the 19th. He had gotten a huge tumor and it started taking it's toll on him so I put him to sleep. RIP Taco.

I can't wait until the Holidays pass, once I get the pictures of Duncan in his Santa outfit I'll post again.

Monday, July 7, 2008

A little bit of Duncan

So my little man has been trying to hump Oreo all day today. It's quite annoying ): but besides that we managed to get non-humping pictures of him, just the normal out on the porch :D I've also included something I made for my journal on deviantart.


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hunky Dory

So we have pills for little Duncan, they're to treat a bladder infection, if that's not it then we get him fixed...well in the end he's getting fixed anyway so this doesn't happen again. Anyway, everything is dandy, hopefully there will be pictures soon.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So today as I was holding Duncan, cradling him, I noticed there was blood coming from the prepuce. I took him into the bathroom and cleaned him off and proceeded by calling my sister and mom. Now that I think about it I recall a pus like discharge around the prepuce also. So I looked it up online while I waited for further instruction on what to do and I came across something called Balanoposthitis. The symptoms seemed to match so I considered this a possibility. The symptoms include:

  • Yellow or yellow-green discharge (pus) visible at the tip of the penis or prepuce
  • Sometimes bloody discharge from the prepuce or penis
  • Possible swelling and inflammation around the penis/prepuce
  • Excessive licking at the prepuce
  • Discomfort
  • Disinterest in breeding
  • Possibly lethargy, fever and loss of appetite if a serious infection is present

  • The only thing I've noticed were the top two, I can't tell if he's uncomfortable and whatnot nor do I see him licking excessively. So I'm not sure.

    We have a vet appointment scheduled for him at 11am tomorrow. Hopefully he'll be okay, but I hear this is common in un-neutered dogs so after this I'll look into getting him fixed.

    Friday, May 30, 2008

    Duncan on Cute with Chris

    So after hounding Chris to post my little Duncan he finally did it, oh how happy I am ! Enjoy, and go visit his website! Cute With Chris

    Turns out taking off a leg and throwing in boobs was the answer to everything.

    Monday, May 5, 2008

    Play Time!

    So I have more pictures of Duncan to share. These ones are of Duncan playing for the most part :)

    The other dog in this is Beau, he's my German Shepard

    This one is just of him and Johnny.

    He fell asleep by his Mommy, he's such a cutie.

    He was hiding from Joe Cannon!

    Friday, May 2, 2008

    Bed Time Pictures!

    So the other night as Johnny and I were preparing to go to sleep I got my camera out and started taking pictures of little Duncan :)

    He got irritated after awhile so I had to stop, that and I was blinding everyone with this incredible flash. Anyway, these are some of my favorite pictures from this batch.

    We all kinda ended up looking dysfunctional in this one!

    Wednesday, April 30, 2008

    Duncan vs Big Mama

    I took this video yesterday when I had Big Mama out, as usual Duncan loves trying to play with everyone. However Big Mama doesn't appreciate it so much, I missed the good stuff but it's still cute !

    Friday, April 25, 2008


    So it turns out I can add videos, I'll just post a couple I already have :D

    They're all pretty much of him just hopping around and playing, but it's always cute and never gets old.

    Thursday, April 24, 2008

    More Pictures

    So of course I took more pictures of Duncan and of course I'm gonna post them. I don't care if anyone looks at this or not he's cute and that makes him awesome.

    So these are the most recent pictures, him and I were waiting in the car for his Man Mommy to get out of his interview. He doesn't like waiting in the car.

    These are just pictures I took of him randomly. Cute as always.

    The three of us went to the park, I got some pictures of Duncan being a cutie and attacking my butt apparently.

    I'll try to post some videos next.
